Suspended Plate Magnet
- Lifetime Guarantee of Permanent Magnet Strength
- Less than 1% magnetic loss in 100 years
- Designed to fit your specific application
- 304 Stainless Steel construction standard
- Finest of Magnetic Materials used meeting IMA/MMPA standards
- Rare Earth pharmaceutical & food plate magnets available
- Save $$ by avoiding damage and downtime to expensive processing machines
- Avoid ferrous debris in materials & products
- Low maintenance costs
Storch overhead suspended conveyor line magnets above your conveyor belt or head pulley greatly reduce potential damage to your processing equipment while providing effective metal recovery and removal.
- Permanent Magnet, Lifetime Guarantee of Magnet Strength. Less than 1% loss in 100 years when properly used.
- Electromagnet models and power supplies.
- Magnet Strength and Sizes manufactured as needed.
- Super strength conveyor line magnet.
- Engineered high intensity magnetic circuits removes small to large tramp metal.
- Depth, width and length determined by your air gap, burden depth, belt speed, and other variables.
- Available for your belt width to 72″.
- Mounting preferences eye bolts, flanges, brackets available.